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A multi-instrumentalist, a composer, a record producer
The artistic personality of multi-instrumentalist Włodzimierz Kinior Kiniorski grew out of jazz and until this day it is a significant element of his music. Soon he won recognition in the country among musicians, the public and critics. The latter lavished him with the awards at jazz festivals in Poland and abroad. The fascination with ethnic, electronic and modern music was added to free-jazz roots. The scenic quality of his music contributes to the fact that Kiniorski's compositions fit well as musical background in theatre performances. We can hear his music, among others, at the stage of Puppet Clinic Theatre, The
Powszechny Theatre in Warsaw, The Witkiewicz Theatre in Zakopane.
Due to his artistic consistency, the wider public knows him more as a musician of such bands as: Tiebreak, Graal, Young Power, Izrael or Brygada Kryzys, rather than from his solo achievements. Kiniorski - we will find this surname on the covers of many albums due to his cooperation with Bob Stewart (the world's first tuba), Steve Kindler (The Mahavishnu Orchestra), Tomasz Stańko, Michał Urbaniak, Stanisław Sojka, Grzegorz Ciechowski or such bands as Daab, Trebunie Tutki or Twinkle Brothers.
And here one can search for the key to his creative activity. Kinior functions
more as a phenomenon rather than as a recognised musician.
His work has the same permanent feature which characterises such musicians as Miles Davis - music is the meeting of personalities, an artistic dialogue, looking for new fascinations during cooperation with young musicians and not stamping albums with less or more famous names.
The main prizes: Jazz Juniors, Jazz on the Oder, The K. Komeda Prize, "The Golden Mask" for theatre music, "African Snow" - the album of the month- September 2000, world music in World Entertainment. Network; on the WMCE /World Music Charts Europe/ in 1994, 1996 and 1999, among others with Trebunie-Tutki.

Główne Nagrody (Awards)


Jazz Juniors

(Jazz Juniors Festival - The First Prize)


Jazz nad Odrą

(Jazz nad Odrą Festival - The First Prize)


Nagroda im. Krzysztofa Komedy

(Krzysztof Komeda Award)


Złota Maska za muzykę do "Krzeseł" 

w Teatrze im. Wyspiańskiego), 1997 

(Golden Mask for theatre music, 1997)


African Snow - płyta miesiąca września 2000 world music w World Entertainment Network

(In September 2000 African Snow was the world music record of the month at World Entertainment Network)


na liście przebojów WMCE 

(World Music Charts Europe) w 1994, 1996 i 1999 z Trebuniami-Tutkami

(at World Entertainment Network in 1994, 1996 and 1999 in WMCE (World Music Charts Europe) together with Trebunie-Tutki)


Współpraca (Cooperation)


Grażyna Auguścik

Marek Chołoniewski

Grzegorz Ciechowski 

Urszula Dudziak

Derek Fevrier

Norman Grant-Twinkle Brothers

Krzysztof Knittel

Marcin Krzyżanowski

Dariusz Makaruk

Stanisław Sojka

Tomasz Stańko

Bob Stewart

Michał Urbaniak


Współpraca z zespołami (Cooperation with teams)


Free Cooperation


Tie Break

Trebunie Tutki

Young Power

Współpraca z teatrami / Cooperation with theatres


Teatr Klinika Lalek z Wolimierza

(Klinika Lalek Theatre, Wolimierz)


Teatr Performer z Zamościa

(Performer Theatre, Zamość)


Teatr Bukleina w Krakowie

(Bukleina Theatre, Cracow)


Teatr im. Witkacego w Zakopanem

(St. I. Witkiewicz Theatre, Zakopane)


Teatr Powszechny w Warszawie, Makbet, reż.Treliński, wyk. Janda, Gajos

(Powszechny Theatre, Warsaw, Makbet, directed by Treliński)


Teatr Tańca w Poznaniu i Lyonie, 2000

(Dance Theatre, Poznań and Lyon, 2000)


Teatr im. S. Żeromskiego w Kielcach

(Żeromski Theatre, Kielce)


Kielecki Teatr Tańca, Muzyka do Baletu Technobalet Kalijuga , reż. Elżbieta Szlufik-Pańtak i Grzegorz Pańtak

(Music for Technobalet Ballet Kalijuga, directed by Elżbieta Szlufik-Pańtak and Grzegorz Pańtak)


inne teatry (other theatres): 

Radom, Gliwice, Katowice, Gdańsk 


Teatr TV, Pijak, reż. T. Lengren, wyk. P.Fronczewski 

(TV Theatre, Drunk, directed by T. Lengren)


Muzyka filmowa (Film Music)


Autor muzyki do filmów o Dalaj Lamie, Zdzisławie Beksińskim, Andrzeju Strumille w reżyserii J. Jóźwiaka

(Dalay Lama, Zdzisław Beksiński, Andrzej Strumiłło, directed by J. Jóźwiak)


nagrodzony na Yach Festiwal klip "O sole mio", reż. Robert Baliński

(O sole mio directed by Robert Baliński, a videoclip awarded at the Yach Festival) 


Festiwale autorskie (Festivals Organised by Kinior)


Hasarapasa, Zagnańsk – czerwiec (June): 1998, 1999, 2000

Flap People w Prokadencji, Łódź 1999

Festiwale (Festivals)


Polish Sound Art in China, 2006


Tydzień Polski na Gotlandii, Szwecja, 2006

(Polish Week on Gotland, Sweden, 2006)


Festiwal White Night, Tel Awiw, Izrael, 2006

(Tel Aviv Free Jazz White Night, Israel, 2006)


Warszawska Jesień 2002

(Warsaw Autumn 2002)


Festiwal (Festival) PANAM Seul 2002


Sopot, Opole (Poland)

In between Art from Poland 1945-2000, Chicago, marzec (March) 2001


8 Spotkania z Muzyką XX Wieku Kraków, grudzień, 2000

(8 Meetings with 20th Century Music Krakow, December, 2000)


Festiwal Next 2000 Bratysława

(Next 2000 Festival, Bratislava)


Feniks w Antwerpii (Antverpen), 2000


Warszawskie Spotkania Muzyczne Warszawa, maj, 2000

(Warsaw Music Meetings, Warsaw, May, 2000)


Festiwal Interakcje (Festival Interactions), Piotrków Trybunalski, 2000


Festiwal Alternativa Moskwa, kwiecień, 2000

(Alternativa Festival, Moscow, April, 2000)


Festiwal Ilkhom XXI Taszkient, kwiecień, 2000

(XXI Ilkhom Festival Tashkent, April, 2000)


Experimental Intermedia Nowy York – The Tenth Annual Festiwal, grudzień 1999

(Experimental Intermedia New York – The Tenth Annual Festival, December 1999)


Wizya Atelier Paryż (Paris), czerwiec (June), 1999


29 Festival International des Musique et Creations Electroacoustiques Syntese ’9, czerwiec (June) 1999, Bourges, Francja (France)


Teatr Buckleina, Kraków, 1999

(Bukleina Theatre, Cracow, 1999)


Festiwal Audio Art Muzyka bez granic, Kraków 1998 (Audio Art Festival Music without limits, Cracow 1998)


M U Theatre Budapeszt 5 Szunetjel Improvized Music Festival, 1998

Muzyka Centrum – Kraków (Cracow)

Lipsk (Leipzig)

Lyon 1999

Lizbona, EXPO, 1998

Londyn, 1998

Austin, USA, 1991

Club Marque, Londyn, 1990

Super Chanel Londyn, 1990

Jazz Jamboree Warszawa (Warsaw)

telefon • phone: +48 608 406 170


apple music


author of subpages with discs © kinior

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